The Twirling Traveler-2


September 6, 2019


On route to the Provence my mother and I stayed a few nights in Lyon & Annecy. Lyon is a city I have often passed by, but have never stopped, so it was about time to stay a few nights in Lyon. I was very happy that I finally decided to visit Lyon as it is an amazingly diverse city, with a beautiful old town and many interesting sights! Lyon is quite hilly and it hosts two rivers (the Saone and the Rhone). The rivers flow directly through the (old) city and the city is connected via many bridges, of which some are pedestrian. The bridges and the rivers definitely give Lyon a fun aspect. We visited during perfectly sunny days, so people were enjoying the city from the water as there are many terraces located at the docks and on boats. From Lyon it is only a short drive to Annecy and I would definitely recommend that combination.

August 30, 2019


When I am planning a roadtrip I always love to create interesting combinations of locations to visit. Burg Eltz had been on my list of castles I’d like to visit for a while and when I planned my trip to the Alsace I knew a combination with Burg Eltz was a good possibility. Burg Eltz is located in Wierschem, which is close to the Mosel and was a perfect pit stop on the way back from the Alsace to the Netherlands. The castle was located in beautiful nature, with lots of camping sites nearby, so if you like an active holiday this is a good location as well. Koblenz is the nearest big city to Burg Eltz and Cochem is a typical, touristy city in this area.

August 19, 2019


On our way to the Alsace my mother, my sister and I visited the capital city Luxembourg. We spent a half day walking through the historic city center, navigating from point of interest to point of interest by a map. I particularly enjoyed visiting the Corniche. Read all about my experience here.